1. The equipment shell shall be flat, tight and beautiful, and shall not be deformed or corroded for 30 years.
2·主構架采用2mm 厚覆鋁鋅鋼板, 內部安裝靈活方便,主構架裝配形式設計為全組裝式結構。柜體構架及金屬結構件均應有足夠鋼性及承載能力,能滿(mǎn)足電氣元件的安裝要求及操作和短路時(shí)所產(chǎn)生的機械應力和熱應力電動(dòng)力,同時(shí)不因成套設備的吊裝、運輸等情況而損壞或影響開(kāi)關(guān)柜及所安裝元件的性能,柜內支架并可自由調節。
2. The main frame adopts 2mm thick aluminum zinc coated steel plate, with flexible and convenient internal installation. The assembly form of the main frame is designed as a fully assembled structure. The cabinet frame and metal structural parts shall have sufficient rigidity and bearing capacity to meet the installation requirements of electrical components and the mechanical stress, thermal stress and electric power generated during operation and short circuit. At the same time, the performance of the switchgear and installed components will not be damaged or affected due to the hoisting and transportation of the complete set of equipment. The support in the cabinet can be adjusted freely.
3·低壓2500A 及以上進(jìn)線(xiàn)、分段柜絕緣件安裝粱采用2mm不銹鋼,其余安裝粱均采用2mm 抗腐蝕敷鋁鋅鋼板,采用雙重折邊工藝。
3. 2mm stainless steel is used for the installation beam of insulation parts of low-voltage 2500A and above incoming line and section cabinet, and 2mm corrosion-resistant aluminum zinc coated steel plate is used for other installation beams, using double folding process.
4·柜體材料采用厚度不小于 2mm 的覆鋁鋅鋼板、 鍍鋅板或冷軋鋼板并噴塑,顏色采用RAL7035,柜體防護等級不小于 IP30。 地板和墻壁均不能作為殼體的一部分,柜底采用敷鋁鋅板封閉, 電纜孔帶變徑膠圈, 電纜由下部引入, 電纜室應有足夠的空間以便安裝電纜。
4. The cabinet body is made of aluminum zinc coated steel plate, galvanized steel plate or cold rolled steel plate with a thickness of not less than 2mm and sprayed with plastic. The color is ral7035, and the protection grade of the cabinet body is not less than IP30. The floor and wall cannot be used as a part of the shell. The bottom of the cabinet is closed with aluminum zinc coated plate, the cable hole is equipped with reducing rubber ring, the cable is introduced from the lower part, and the cable room should have enough space for the installation of cables.
5·柜內的母線(xiàn)和分支接線(xiàn)須用T2 銅材, 并應滿(mǎn)足以下要求:
5. The bus and branch wiring in the cabinet must be made of T2 copper and meet the following requirements:
a·母線(xiàn)連接采用高強度專(zhuān)用螺栓連接, 接觸面應鍍錫, 應有足夠和持久接觸壓力。
A. the bus connection adopts high-strength special bolt connection, the contact surface shall be tinned, and there shall be sufficient and lasting contact pressure.
B. the expansion and contraction of the bus caused by the vibration and temperature change of the bus will not affect the contact characteristics of the bus connection.
c·母線(xiàn)固定應選用不飽合增強樹(shù)脂(SMC) 為材質(zhì)制做的專(zhuān)用絕緣支撐件,以保證母線(xiàn)之間和母線(xiàn)與其它部件之間的距離和絕緣強度。 母線(xiàn)的布置和連接及絕緣支撐件應能承受裝置額定短時(shí)耐受電流和額定峰值耐受電流所產(chǎn)生的熱應力和電動(dòng)力的沖擊。
The insulation between the busbar and other parts (SMC) shall be reinforced by the insulating material between the busbar and other parts. The arrangement and connection of bus bars and insulating supports shall be able to withstand the impact of thermal stress and electric force generated by the rated short-time withstand current and rated peak withstand current of the device.
d·母線(xiàn)穿過(guò)金屬隔板之外,應設計絕緣強度、機械強度符合要求、且安裝簡(jiǎn)單而又牢固、可靠的絕緣套管和其它絕緣件。每臺柜內母線(xiàn)相對獨立, 適于現場(chǎng)安裝, 柜間母線(xiàn)連接設計有專(zhuān)用的連接板。
D. except that the bus passes through the metal partition, insulating sleeves and other insulating parts with insulation strength and mechanical strength meeting the requirements and simple, firm and reliable installation shall be designed. The bus in each cabinet is relatively independent and suitable for on-site installation. The bus connection between cabinets is designed with special connecting plate.
E. the bus and feed out are insulated and closed, and have the functions of reliable power inspection and grounding during maintenance, so as to ensure the personal safety of maintenance personnel.
f·銅排其折彎應無(wú)砸痕、裂口、毛刺,符合 DL/T 499 的規定。
F. the bending of copper bar shall be free of smashing marks, cracks and burrs, which shall comply with the provisions of DL / T 499.
g·導體、主母線(xiàn)及支線(xiàn)均采用矩形母線(xiàn), 并采用不同相色熱縮套管做絕緣處理。熱縮套管不得開(kāi)裂和起皺, 母線(xiàn)接頭處用熱縮絕緣盒封閉。 絕緣熱縮護套材料應具備阻燃、 防腐、 抗老化的要求, 老化壽命不小于 30 年, 具體試驗方法和要求參照 GB/T 2951.14 中規定執行。
G. rectangular bus shall be used for conductor, main bus and branch line, and heat shrinkable sleeves of different phase colors shall be used for insulation treatment. The heat shrinkable sleeve shall not crack or wrinkle, and the bus joint shall be closed with heat shrinkable insulating box. Insulation shrinkable sheath material should have flame retardant, anti-corrosion, anti-aging requirements, aging life is not less than 30 years, the specific test methods and requirements in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 2951.14.
h·導體須滿(mǎn)足額定短時(shí)和峰值耐受電流的要求。 N 相(L0) 母線(xiàn)與三相母線(xiàn)規格相同,PE排截面不低于相排截面的 1/2。
H. the conductor must meet the requirements of rated short-time and peak withstand current. The specification of n-phase (L0) bus is the same as that of three-phase bus, and the section of PE bar is not less than 1 / 2 of that of phase bar.
The above is the information sharing provided by today's imitation Rittal cabinet. For more wonderful contents, please pay attention to our website: http://www.lfnanning.cn , there will be more content for you.