When purchasing sheet metal cabinet, we know the sheet metal processing technology of sheet metal cabinet, which is very helpful for us to select good sheet metal cabinet. Next, Jinan chassis and cabinet manufacturer will explain three points for you.
1.在進(jìn)行機箱機柜鈑金加工的整體過(guò)程中會(huì )有焊接工藝的使用,而焊接技術(shù)的高低則體現出電力機柜的完整之一。當對電力機柜的加工達到一定程度的時(shí)候就可以進(jìn)行裝配、檢查。而對電力機柜的質(zhì)量檢查來(lái)說(shuō)也是要保證設備的基礎數據要和客戶(hù)提供的圖紙數據相一致。另外在進(jìn)行電力機柜加工的過(guò)程中肯定會(huì )存在一定誤差,但是誤差也要保證在一定的范圍之內。
1. The welding process will be used in the overall process of the sheet metal processing of the chassis and cabinet, and the level of the welding technology reflects the integrity of the power cabinet. When the processing of the power cabinet reaches a certain level, it can be assembled and inspected. For the quality inspection of the power cabinet, it is also necessary to ensure that the basic data of the equipment is consistent with the drawing data provided by the customer. In addition, there must be some errors in the process of processing the power cabinet, but the errors must also be guaranteed to be within a certain range.

2.機箱機柜鈑金定要仔細、謹慎;所以說(shuō)在對機箱機柜鈑金加工進(jìn)行鈑金加工焊接的過(guò)程中要嚴格遵守圖紙需求以及保證梁板之間的支撐和保證,同時(shí)對于焊接順序也是有一定要求的,比如說(shuō)要從上而下,從前到后。在對機箱機柜進(jìn)行加工的過(guò)程中我們會(huì )按照相應的技術(shù)參數進(jìn)行整體的打造,但是要想保證電力機柜的生產(chǎn)效果則需要從細節入手。
2. The sheet metal of chassis and cabinet must be careful; Therefore, in the process of sheet metal processing and welding for the chassis and cabinet, the drawing requirements shall be strictly followed to ensure the support and guarantee between beams and plates. At the same time, there are certain requirements for the welding sequence, such as from top to bottom, from front to back. In the process of processing the chassis and cabinet, we will build the whole according to the corresponding technical parameters, but to ensure the production effect of the power cabinet, we need to start from the details.
3.對于新客戶(hù)的鈑加工件,在進(jìn)行批量生產(chǎn)前,要根據展開(kāi)圖及批量的不同選擇不同落料方式,其中有激光,數控沖床,剪板,模具等方式,然后根據圖紙做出相應的展開(kāi)。數控沖床受刀具方面的影響,對于一些異形工件和不規則孔的加工,在邊緣會(huì )出現較大的毛刺,要進(jìn)行后期去毛刺的處理,同時(shí)對工件的精度有一定的影響;激光加工無(wú)刀具限制,斷面平整,適合異形工件的加工,但對于小工件加工耗時(shí)較長(cháng)。
3. For the sheet metal processing parts of new customers, before mass production, different blanking methods should be selected according to the expanded drawing and different batches, including laser, CNC punch, plate shearing, mold and other methods, and then corresponding expansion should be made according to the drawings. The CNC punching machine is affected by the cutting tools. For the processing of some special-shaped workpieces and irregular holes, there will be large burrs on the edges. The subsequent deburring treatment should be carried out. At the same time, the accuracy of the workpieces will be affected; Laser processing has no tool limitation and flat section, which is suitable for processing special-shaped workpieces, but it takes a long time to process small workpieces.
The relevant contents of the question "Three points to pay attention to when machining chassis and cabinets with sheet metal" have been explained. If you have any interest or demand, you can contact us at any time http://www.lfnanning.cn !