The main function of the chassis cabinet is to provide space and protection for storage devices such as power supply, motherboard, various expansion boards, floppy disk drives, optical disk drives, hard disk drives, etc., and to fix these parts inside the chassis through the supports, brackets, various screws or clips and other connectors inside the chassis cabinet, forming an intensive whole. Secondly, its solid shell protects the board, power supply and storage equipment, can prevent pressure, impact and dust, and it can also play the role of electromagnetic interference and radiation protection, shielding electromagnetic radiation.
濟南機箱機柜的品質(zhì)直接受制造工藝的好壞的影響,工藝較不錯機箱的鋼板邊沿不會(huì )泛起毛邊、銳口、毛刺等現象,并且裸露的邊角都經(jīng)由折邊處理,不易劃傷裝機者的手,各個(gè)插卡槽位的定位也都相稱(chēng)準確,不會(huì )泛起配件安裝不上或者錯位的尷尬情況。
The quality of Jinan chassis cabinet is directly affected by the quality of manufacturing process. The steel plate edge of the chassis with good technology will not have burrs, sharp edges, burrs and other phenomena, and the exposed edges and corners are processed by folding, which is not easy to scratch the hands of the installers. The positioning of each card slot is also relatively accurate, and will not cause the embarrassing situation that the accessories cannot be installed or misplaced.

The cabinet is mainly used to provide placement space and protection for other equipment, which is the determination of the normal operation of various equipment. Therefore, the stability of the cabinet has become a problem to be considered.
The working nature of the chassis and cabinet is different. Select the appropriate chassis and cabinet according to the different working nature. The volume of the chassis and cabinet is different. There are large ones, small ones, and the size has their own characteristics. It is increasingly required that we should weigh well and select the appropriate chassis and cabinet when selecting.
Due to the special working nature of the chassis and cabinet, the physical parameters such as the volume, power consumption, heat generation and so on of the server should be considered at first when selecting the server, because information service enterprises usually use large computer rooms to uniformly deploy and manage a large number of server resources, and the computer rooms are usually equipped with strict security measures, good cooling system, and multiple backup power supply system, and the cost of the computer room is quite expensive.
機箱機柜的應用隨著(zhù)社會(huì )的進(jìn)步,時(shí)代的發(fā)展越來(lái)越普遍,不管它的應用由多么的普遍,它的作用也是大同小異的。如有疑惑或者需求可以隨時(shí)來(lái)我們網(wǎng)站
With the progress of society and the development of the times, the application of chassis and cabinet is becoming more and more common. No matter how common its application is, its role is also similar. If you have any doubt or need, please come to our website at any time http://www.lfnanning.cn Consult!