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          發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-05-24 來(lái)源:http://www.lfnanning.cn/ 瀏覽量:

          1. The upper ventilation door, cable room door, and rear door have been changed from concealed hinges to exposed hinges in their rotating parts, which makes the door rotate smoothly, with a greater angle of rotation, and is also more aesthetically pleasing than before, resulting in a more coordinated overall effect.
          2.改進(jìn)前,一次轉接件與塑料功能件直接相連。假如發(fā)生特殊故障,導致一次轉件燒毀,這樣會(huì )給現場(chǎng)的維修帶來(lái)較大的困難,更換時(shí)間較長(cháng)。而改進(jìn)后,由于一次轉件改為獨立安裝維修方便,減少了停電時(shí)間,經(jīng)濟效果顯著(zhù)。
          Before the improvement, the primary adapter was directly connected to the plastic functional component. If a special malfunction occurs, resulting in the burning of a rotating part, it will bring greater difficulties to on-site maintenance and a longer replacement time. After the improvement, due to the convenience of independent installation and maintenance instead of one-time parts transfer, the power outage time was reduced, and the economic effect was significant.
          3. The primary cable outlet of the MCC cabinet is more convenient and flexible. Compared to before, in addition to retaining the original side out and rear out schemes, a hybrid scheme of simultaneous side out and rear out has been added, greatly facilitating users.
          The specifications of the primary electrical connection in the drawers of 4.8E, 16E, and 24E units can be selected based on the actual current size of the circuit, which is beneficial for on-site maintenance and modification by users.
          5. After improvement, the rear door structure of the rear outlet scheme has been re optimized compared to before, increasing the space for outlet cables and facilitating user maintenance.
          After improvement, the secondary connector of the rear outlet scheme has been changed from the side position to the rear partition position. This not only reduces the distance from the secondary cable to the terminal, but also avoids the problem of being unable to repair after on-site cabinet merging. The 600mm wide rear outlet scheme is easy to generate.
          7. The foldable door top cover is easy to install, labor-saving, and time-saving.
          本文由MNS低壓抽屜柜友情奉獻.更多有關(guān)的知識請點(diǎn)擊: http://www.lfnanning.cn真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識我們將會(huì )陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待
          This article is dedicated by MNS low-voltage drawer cabinet friendship. For more relevant knowledge, please click on: http://www.lfnanning.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned
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